lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Capacitación docente

Se pone en conocimiento de los docentes de Idioma Extranjero la capacitación ofrecida por CePA (según la información recibida hasta la fecha, que seguramente obrará -con los ajustes necesarios- en las cartillas informativas que se remitan próximamente a las escuelas):


Cursos Intensivos Julio 2010

1) Triggering exploration, discovery and language production through poems

Nivel: Población Docente

Capacitadora: Adriana Fuentes

Sede: D.E. 15

Horario: 8:30-13hs

Abstract: Language represents thought. It is a process that enables students to think symbolically, to express new ideas and to interact effectively. Poems are triggers of individual exploration, discovery and language production. The aim of this course is to help teachers generate a “unique” classroom shaped by the “unique” individuals that take part in it.

2) Vocabulary as a stepping stone to grammaring.

Nivel: Población Docente

Capacitadora: Mónica Gandolfo y Equipo.

Sede: CePA

Horario: 18-22:30hs

Abstract: Vocabulary is central to understanding and communicating meaning since much important information is tied into words. Within the perspective of discourse and communication, we will identify strategies for selecting and teaching the words students need to know in order to get and put meaning across.

3) Developing language skills.

Nivel: Población Docente

Capacitadoras: Patricia Insirillo y Patricia del Valle Ortiz.

Sede: D.E. 3 San Telmo

Horario: 8:30-13hs.

Abstract: Each language skill has specific characteristics which affect task design within a CLT approach. The development of the macro-skills(reading, listening, speaking and writing) is of utmost importance within the foreign language classroom. The aim of this course is to help teachers identify the specific nature of each skill so as to help them evaluate, modify or design tasks.


Cursos Segundo Cuatrimestre 2010 – Lenguas Extranjeras – CePA

Nombre de capacitador/a



Nombre del curso


Lic. Myriam Abalos


Preferencia: Lunes, vespertino

Ready, steady…write

Este taller trabajará la aprestación a la lecto-escritura, considerando las modificaciones que este campo ha sufrido por los aportes de distintos marcos teóricos. Se enfatizará una apertura en las estrategias para su desarrollo, se discutirán las alfabetizaciones múltiples y las nuevas tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera y su aplicación. Dirigido a docentes de 1° y 2° grado.

Rita Faré

Nora Alvarez


Preferencias: Martes. Vespertino

Designing effective ELT materials


Despite the availability of commercially produced materials, teachers sometimes need to construct or adapt materials. This course will examine reasons, advantages and disadvantages, and the factors teachers should take into account when using materials for different learners, why presenting a set of guidelines for designing effective materials.

Dirigido a docente de Lengua Inglesa de todos los niveles

Rita Faré

Nora Alvarez


Preferencias: Martes. Vespertino

To err is human… and to correct?


Making mistakes is a part of all learning, but how do teachers cope with correction? What is the significance of errors? Do students always learn from mistakes? The course will discuss effective strategies and techniques for oral and written correction with different students.

Dirigido a docente de Lengua Inglesa de todos los niveles

Rita Faré

Nora Alvarez


Preferencias: Martes. Vespertino

Of goals, plans and wishes

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Antonine de Saint-Exupery French writer (1900 - 1944)

The EFL teacher should provide linguistic input (grammar and vocabulary) while promoting communication and expression, all in the same class! Shifting the main focus of English lessons from grammar to meaning is not always easy. This course will provide a hands-on experience in planning and implementation of tasks and task sequences at different levels, while still providing a focus on grammar and lexis in Task-Based Learning, to help teachers make the shift and keep it going.

Dirigido a docente de Lengua Inglesa de todos los niveles

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